Europe Economy
Europe GDP : $31,020 (2021 est;), Per Capita :
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Europe Geography & Climate
Europe Demographics & Ethnicity
Europe Population : 746,419,440, Area : 10,180,000 km2 (3,930,000 sq mi)
Europe Capital : Brussels, Largest City : London
Languages : , Ethnicity : .
Europe Goverment & Military
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Europe Religion & Culture
Europe History
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Europe Countries Map
World Top 20 Largest Countries by Population
- 1. China - 1,439,323,776
- 2. India - 1,399,828,108
- 3. United States - 333,839,503
- 4. Indonesia - 277,749,346
- 5. Pakistan - 227,153,261
- 6. Brazil - 214,767,569
- 7. Nigeria - 213,593,168
- 8. Bangladesh - 167,086,674
- 9. Russia - 146,025,949
- 10. Mexico - 130,911,878
- 11. Japan - 125,910,309
- 12. Ethiopia - 119,117,925
- 13. Philippines - 111,711,419
- 14. Egypt - 105,152,003
- 15. Vietnam - 98,618,321
- 16. Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) - 93,531,207
- 17. Turkey - 85,664,955
- 18. Iran - 85,563,317
- 19. Germany - 84,175,561
- 20. Thailand - 68,407,231