United States

United States has a population of 315,276,000 people, United States's capital city is Washington, D.C. and largest city New York City.

United States personel income per capita $49,601 (15th), jobless rate 0.25% and its currency United States dollar ($) (USD) . United States official languages and mostly spoken dialects are English, ethnics groups : .

United States

United States Flag Where is United States in the World
  • Capital : Washington, D.C.
  • Population : 315,276,000
  • GDP : $15.6097 trillion (1st)
  • Per Capita : $49,601 (15th)
  • Calling Code : +1
  • Jobless Rate : 7.90%
  • Area : 9,826,675 km2 (3rd/4th) 3,794,101 sq mi
  • Largest City : New York City
  • President : Barack Obama
  • Prime Minister : Joe Biden
  • Currency : United States dollar ($) (USD)
  • Time Zone : -5 -10
  • Internet Ext. : .us
  • Inflation Rate : 1.70%
  • Interest Rate : 0.25%
  • Debt GDP : 101.60%
  • Languages : English
  • Ethnicity :
For United States Map »
United States has 9,826,675 km2 (3rd/4th) 3,794,101 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $15.6097 trillion (1st). United States president Barack Obama and prime minister Joe Biden.

US Map



US Maps II

USA Maps

US Maps

Golden Gate United States

Los Angeles Winter USA

United States Economy

United States GDP : $15.6097 trillion (1st), Per Capita : $49,601 (15th)
Jobless Rate : 7.90% , Currency : United States dollar ($) (USD)
Inflation Rate : 1.70% , Interest Rate : 0.25%
Debt GDP : 101.60% , Internet Ext. : .us
Calling Code : +1 , Time Zone : -5 -10
United States has 9,826,675 km2 (3rd/4th) 3,794,101 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $15.6097 trillion (1st). United States president Barack Obama and prime minister Joe Biden.

Where is United States & Map of United States

Map of United States

United States Largest Cities and United States Image Gallery

boston United States

boston United States

Capitol Building Washington DC US

Capitol Building Washington DC US

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new york tour central park nyc ny usa

golden gate sanfrancisco ca usa

golden gate sanfrancisco ca usa

Los Angeles Winter CA USA

Los Angeles Winter CA USA

new york tour central park nyc ny usa

new york tour central park nyc  ny usa

Census US Ancestries by County

Census US Ancestries by County

Chicago United States

Chicago United States

dallas United States

dallas United States

Declaration independence US 1756

Declaration independence US 1756

Ellis island 1902 US

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golden gate United States

golden gate United States

Grand Canyon USA

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Jaws of Death 1944 united states

LA Skyline USA

LA Skyline USA

Los Angeles United States

Los Angeles United States

map of United States

map of United States

Mayflower Compact 1620 usa

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Philadelphia USA

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san diego usa

san francisco United States

san francisco United States

Seattle United States

Seattle United States

United States emblem

United States emblem

United States flag

United States flag

United States Map

United States Map

united states new york

united states new york

US Territorial Acquisitions

US Territorial Acquisitions



USA Satellite Image

USA Satellite Image

Washington United States 19th Century

Washington United States 19th Century

where is United States

where is United States

United States Geography & Climate

United States Demographics & Ethnicity

United States Population : 315,276,000, Area : 9,826,675 km2 (3rd/4th) 3,794,101 sq mi
United States Capital : Washington, D.C., Largest City : New York City
Languages : English, Ethnicity : .

United States Goverment & Military

United States President : Barack Obama, Prime Minister : Joe Biden

United States Religion & Culture

United States History

United States Google Map

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